Cristina Izquierdo Lozano
Cristina Izquierdo Lozano is from Reus, a small town in Catalonia. In 2020, she obtained her BSc in Biotechnology and BENG in Computer Engineering from Universitat Rovira i Virgiliin Tarragona. During her time there, she joined the Nanoscopy for Nanomedicine group at IBEC inBarcelona in 2019, where she conducted both of her bachelor theses, utilizing Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy to characterize polymeric nanoparticles and developing a computer vision application in MATLAB, enabling automatic image correlation between two distinct microscopes. In 2021, she moved to Eindhoven to pursue her PhD in the TU/e. In her current research, she uses Machine Learning techniques to analyze super-resolution microscopy data, under the guidance of her supervisors Lorenzo Albertazzi (n4n) and Francesca Grisoni (molML).